Managed by North East Museums on behalf of Newcastle University
Great North Museum: Hancock
Exhibition Archive
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28 Mar
Join us for a full day of activities just for Home Educated families.
4 Apr
For pre-walking babies.
11 Apr
For pre-crawling babies.
15 Apr
Enjoy early access to the Great North Museum: Hancock for a quieter, morerelaxed experience.…
A new interactive learning experience which takes families on a quest throughthe museum.…
22 Apr
12 Apr - 27 Apr
Join us this Easter for fun, family-friendly activities at the Great NorthMuseum: Hancock…
Until 27 Apr
A project and exhibition exploring the experiences of individuals impacted byorgan donation and transplantation.…
19 Apr - 27 Apr
Newcastle Puppetry Festival is returning this coming Easter holiday.
2 May
Mixed under 5's session
16 May
700 children's drawings portray some of the world’s most vulnerable species,many of which face extinction.…
Bringing your holiday club to the museum? We have lots for you to do!
On line and in person CPD for primary school teachers
A free, fun, interactive AR adventure
One of the deep sea's rare specimens, brought home to Newcastle
We’ve connected three museums in Tyneside to 11 miles of public cycleway andtwo easy rides for beginners or families.…
Explore fascinating objects, craft compelling stories!
Listen to creative music and sound responses to different objects throughout themuseum.…
A spectacular and immersive digital projection mapping experience on amonumental scale.…
Spin the wheel in six of our permanent galleries and you'll be given a challengeto complete.…
The Mouse House is our multipurpose space for under 5s and their families.
The planetarium is open. Please buy your tickets at the Museum Shop.
Pause and enjoy a dramatic reimagining of seven Roman altars in the Hadrian'sWall gallery.…
This new display is all about Eurythenes plasticus, a species discovered byNewcastle University researchers.…
Collections from the Roman Empire.
An online exhibition created by Newcastle University, English Heritage and theGreat North Museum: Hancock…
Discover the stories behind some of the museum’s most-loved objects and thecollectors who brought them here.…
Discover the natural history of Northumbria.
Objects from around the world.
See an inscription stone proving the Wall was built on orders of Emperor Hadrianand more.…
An important collection of Greek and Etruscan art and archaeology.
Here you can see a great selection of precious objects from Northumbria’sglorious past.…
See a full-size model of an elephant, a great white shark and more.
See stunning gems and minerals from around the world.
Great North Nights is our programme of after-hours events at the museum.
Learn about mummification and see Egyptian artefacts from the British Museum.
See a full size T-rex skeleton, real fossils and more.
The story of our distant past is told through many wonderful artefacts,including tools, weapons and ancient artwork.…
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