Contact us

Get in touch

Great North Museum: Hancock 
Barras Bridge 
Newcastle upon Tyne 
NE2 4PT 

Telephone: (0191) 208 6765 

Venue hire
Enquiries about hiring our venue: contact form
Telephone: (0191) 277 2303

Useful contacts

Learning and schools
To enquire about booking a visit: Booking enquiry form 
Telephone: (0191) 208 6865 

Telephone: (0191) 208 3555 


Press and media enquiries  


Collections and object-based enquiries

For object enquiries please see the relevant contacts below

Curatorial enquiries

For enquiries about our collections, assistance with object identification, academic research, higher education teaching or arranging a tour of the collections. 

If relevant to your enquiry, please send a high-quality image and as much contextual information as possible (e.g. its provenance or where it was found). 

We cannot accept queries or donations in person without prior arrangement with our curatorial team. Please note that we must consider donations against our Collections Development Policy.

Natural Sciences 

Archaeology and Ethnography

Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS)

Contact us if you have found an archaeological object and want us to record it on the PAS.  

Please send a high-quality image and as much contextual information as possible (e.g. where it was found). 

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, certain objects may qualify as Treasure under the Treasure Act (1996) and finders have a legal obligation to report such finds within 14 days.  

Telephone: (0191) 208 5031 
Find out more: PAS and Treasure 

Tell us what you think

The Great North Museum: Hancock is managed by Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (TWAM). TWAM is committed to delivering an excellent service to all our customers and service users, be they general visitors, our local communities, educational or outreach groups, academics, tourists, groups, stakeholders, sponsors or corporate clients. 

Our aim is to continue to improve our service and standards and deliver an excellent customer experience. Dealing effectively with customer comments and complaints will help us to achieve our mission and commitment to delivering a world class service. 

Find out more about how you can provide feedback about the Great North Museum: Hancock or make a complaint