
We provide the following facilities to enhance your visit to the Great North Museum: Hancock


The Hancock Cafe at the Great North Museum

The Hancock Café is open daily, serving a range of hot drinks, cakes and light refreshments. It is situated at the front of the Museum on the first floor. 

Please help preserve our collections by not eating or drinking in the Museum galleries.

Download The Hancock Café menu (PDF 760 KB)

Packed lunch area

During school holidays, we provide a dedicated packed lunch space. Please look out for signs in the Museum that will direct you to that day’s location or ask a member of staff.

If you want to be certain that there is a packed lunch area available in the Museum during term time, please contact the Museum ahead of your visit on: Telephone: (0191) 208 6765  

You are welcome to picnic on the Museum front lawn in good weather.

Please help preserve our collections by not eating or drinking in the Museum galleries.

Toilets and baby changing

On the ground floor, you can find male, female, accessible and family toilets. The accessible toilet at the rear of the Museum on the ground floor has a shower with a seat and an adult changing table.

On the first floor, you can find male, female, gender neutral and accessible toilets. A further accessible toilet is available on the second floor.

Baby changing facilities are available in the male and female toilets on both the ground and first floors and in the family toilet on the ground floor at the front of the Museum. You'll also find a gender neutral toilet with baby changing facilities on the first floor at the rear of the building.

The nearest fully accredited Changing Places toilet is inside the Newcastle University campus. The toilet is located on the ground floor of the Daysh building, close to the main entrance of the University. It is accessible via radar key and can be accessed out of hours by prior arrangement through the University Security Service. Please call (0191) 208 6817. 

Please click here for further information about the Newcastle University campus Changing Places toilet.

Please contact the Welcome Desk at the Museum if you do not have a radar key. 

Need to find a toilet on the way to the Museum? Click here to visit the The Great British Public Toilet Map, a database of publicly-accessible toilets. 


Breastfeeding is welcomed throughout the Museum. You can also use a private breastfeeding area in the World Cultures gallery on the first floor, if you prefer.

Please click here to read North East Museums' commitment to women who are breastfeeding.


We have a unique study library on our second floor which comprises the library and archives of the Natural History Society of Northumbria, the library of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne and Newcastle University’s Cowen Library.

To easiest way to find the Library is to take the lift in the butterfly corridor at the rear of the Museum up to the second floor. The Library is immediately on your left when you exit the lift.

Click here to find out more about our library.

Lockers and buggy parking

Lockers are available for £1 non-returnable.

We have a designated buggy park. 

Our free 'caught short' scheme

We keep a supply of spare nappies, wipes and sanitary products for anyone that may need to use them. Go to the lockers at the front of the Museum and help yourself or contact the Welcome Desk at the Museum if you need help to locate them. 

We have a small amount of clean clothing available if required – ask at the Welcome Desk.