Learning opportunities for schools and groups

Bring learning to life with a school or group visit to the Great North Museum: Hancock. We welcome groups from babies and toddlers all the way up to further and higher education students. 

Activities you can take part in include: hands-on workshops with museum staff, planetarium shows for all ages, plus teacher-led time to explore the galleries.

Primary schools might have story time alongside the array of animals in Living Planet, or explore a topic like Ancient Egypt in more depth. 

Secondary schools can book a cross-curricular enrichment day for a whole year group, whilst sixth form and above might meet a curator or have a Q&A on careers.

“Excellent - children engaged and really enjoyed their learning. Resources were super and exciting which again supported the learning.” 

Primary School Teacher 

“Staff were massively knowledgeable of the museum and the KS3 curriculum and adapted and accommodated for our needs expertly” 

Secondary School teacher


What could your group do at the museum?

For tailored recommendations, click on the appropriate link below

Spotlight on...

Here's our learning team's current top recommendations

Who we are

The Learning Team is made up of:

  • Dr Kate Holden - Learning Officer
  • Morgan Fail - History Learning Co-ordinator
  • Georgina Scott - Early Years Learning Co-Ordinator
  • Jo McSwaine - Science Learning Co-ordinator
Great North Museum on a sunny day