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Managed by North East Museums on behalf of Newcastle University
45 minutes
Available on Mondays and Wednesdays.
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In this workshop, pupils will explore evolution using the museum’s collection.
Getting up close to taxidermy provides a great opportunity to identify and discuss adaptations. Next, they investigate a collection of early human species skulls, noting the changes over time. Pupils then build a timeline of human evolution and use it to grasp the length of evolutionary timescales. Finally, they add human adaptations, suggesting which order different adaptations came about in and how they helped earlier human species survive.
Intended learning outcomes:
Please note:
Handling collection taxidermy is safe to touch, but please check if anyone in your group has allergies to animal fur.
All human skull specimens used in this workshop are models – no real human remains are used.
This workshop doesn't focus on how evolution happens, but our 'Exploring Evolution: the natural selection game' workshop does. We would recommend exploring evolution when early in the topic, or if you prefer a more hands-on approach. 99% ape includes hands-on activities as well as more abstract discussion and is a good extension for the end of a topic or to provide extra challenge.
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