Creatures Great and Small

Make a booking enquiry

Early Years: Cross-Curricular

Creatures Great and Small



Booking Information


Available on Thursdays

This workshop would be complimented by a visit to the Living Planet and Natural Northumbria Galleries. You may also wish to book out out Habitat Explorer Bags 

To make a telephone booking or enquiry call (0191) 208 6865.

*Make a donation to support the learning programme.

Session Summary

Creatures Great and Small is an interactive under 5's session which is facilitated by our Early Years Specialist. Children will meet our little explorer 'Albany, The Great North Mouse' and take a closer look at what makes different animals special. The session will be delivered through a combination of a game, a story, animal yoga, and a closer look at some of our collection

This session supports the unique development of your children and we would like to talk to you when you make your booking about their needs and learning.  The session is designed to support: 

  • communication and language though play, discussion, songs and storytelling
  • personal, social and emotional development through play and teamworking
  • literacy and comprehension through problem solving activities
  • physical development of fine and gross motor skills through animal yoga and object handling
  • understanding the world through investigation of different animals

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