Student Experience

How can we make your studies even better?

Inspiring Students and Enhancing their Learning across Disciplines

Our collections have been used for teaching since the very early nineteenth century and have shaped how disciplines as diverse as geology and drama are taught. Today, students can use our collections in new and different ways across a wide range of disciplines in seminar rooms, laboratories, museum galleries and online.

Objects – be they fossils, paintings or innovative new materials – are vital to the teaching of many undergraduate and post-graduate courses, with handling sessions, gallery discussions, problem-based learning and practical classes providing deeper and more memorable experiences than might be offered by more traditional types of teaching. New online catalogues, 2D and 3D image libraries and dynamic and imaginative teaching resources are enabling students to access, interrogate, and work with objects outside of more traditional university settings, personalising and sharing collections use, deconstructing objects and ideas. We provide unusual and absorbing environments for both formal and informal learning; uniquely enhancing the experience of being a student.

As an established feature of the University Campus we are committed to the student experience at Newcastle University and provides a wide range of academic and work-related learning opportunities for students. ‌