Rehomed, Renamed

As part of the 2024 Summer School, Newcastle University's Writing Poetry MA students were poets-in-residence at the Great North Museum Hancock. Around the museum you can find poems written by the students during the Summer School.

The professional writing residency with the GNM:H encouraged new ways to engage with the museum’s collections, history, and modern cultural presence. It allowed the students to explore new perspectives to the way they approach writing.

Further information about the Writing Poetry MA can be found on the Newcastle University website.
Writing Poetry MA | Postgraduate | Newcastle University (

The Buddha visits the Great North Museum


I watch you 
as you watch me
as we watch you
as we watch each other


Shakyamuni touches earth,
we are told, calling it
to bear witness
to his enlightenment.

Many pass him by
as to pause invites
the god of mummification
to call us to other tests.

Challenges combine
as heritages compete
here in Representations,
objects robbed of place.

I sit on my stool
apologise for my feet
pointing towards you
seeking to find worship

as the written or spoken word.


I want to centre you
       O Buddha

Move you from the edge
place you in the middle of the case.

Perhaps then, I can see 
your eyes under closed lids

but I need to watch
look to check your stance.

I want to centre you
        O Buddha

Release resentment
and become aware of now

but you sit serene 
on this tilting earth.

Kevin Scully