Library Highlights

Red and Yellow Maccaw’ from Edward Lear’s Illustrations of Parrots, 1832

Red and Yellow Maccaw

Edward Lear’s Illustrations of Parrots, 1832. NHSN Collection.

Detail of a fold-out survey of the Roman Wall 1715

Detail of a fold-out survey of the Roman Wall 1715

John Warburton’s Vallum Romanum, 1753. SANT Collection.

An illustration of a Turret

Turret near Carvoran

John Collingwood Bruce’s The Wallet-Book of the Roman Wall, 1863. Cowen Collection.

Detail of ‘Bird’s-eye View of Newcastle upon Tyne’ 1590

Detail of ‘Bird’s-eye View of Newcastle upon Tyne’

1590. Printed in AA, Vol.3, 1844. SANT Collection.

Photograph from the dig at Corbridge, in Corstopitum: Report on the Excavations in 1910. Cowen Collection.

Photograph from the dig at Corbridge

in Corstopitum: Report on the Excavations in 1910. Cowen Collection.

A print of a boy and a wolf on book page, with some printed text.

Detail of Thomas Bewick’s Aesop’s Fables

c.1823. NHSN Collection.

A selection from the set of John Collingwood Bruce’s Handbook to the Roman Wall.

John Collingwood Bruce’s Handbook, 1863 -

A selection from the set of John Collingwood Bruce’s Handbook to the Roman Wall. SANT Collection.

Library books

Collins New Naturalist Series

A selection from the complete set of Collins New Naturalist Series, 1945 - . NHSN Collection.