Great Exhibition of the North

Exciting news for our visiting schools

Exciting news for our visiting Schools about the Great Exhibition of the North

22 June – September 2018

Set to be the most spectacular event in England next year, the Great Exhibition of the North will showcase world-class art, culture, design and innovation from the North. This will be a once in a life-time opportunity for schools to discover the dynamic story of the North of England – how its trailblazing innovators, artists and designers shaped our present and are inspiring our future.

The Great North Museum: Hancock will be transformed into a magical and inspiring space to surprise and delight our visitors, revealing the dramatic story of the North told in imaginative and powerful ways.

To realise this ambitious vision, from 16 April 2018 we will be offering an alternative Summer Term programme in place of our regular core offer, with a range of powerful and exciting opportunities for schools to engage in.

Our Spring Term programme (8 January – 29 March will remain unchanged and bookings open on Monday 30 October.

Find out more about the Great Exhibition of the North and sign up to keep updated here

If you would like to actively engage with the planning of the learning programme here at the Great North Museum: Hancock please contact Adam Goldwater: